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Re: Ozone and Log4J

> Log4J seems to be great. Surely much better than my LogWriter. We should not
> only add an implementation that uses Log4J behind the scene but we should
> also switch to the Log4J API.

Log4J is great. We have been using it for a couple months now. The API
is very easy and the easy of configuration and complete control over
what portation to be log. for example, I can easily disable debug
logging on all class under org.ozoneDB but enable only those under
org.ozoneDB.rdf in two lines of codes. (or using configuration file).

As for converting Ozone to the log4j API, I see this as a two step
process. First, LogWriter using Log4J thus all the current logging is
under Log4J's control. Second, as we revise each class, we can
converting each to Log4J slowly.

> Anyway, there was a dicussion regarding Log4J and Suns Log JSR (don't remember
> the number; anybody?). Somebody stated that as soon as this JSR is done most
> projects will switch to this. Any ideas on this?

JSR-047. Current, it's in draft 0.55. I was looking at that just a
couple days ago. The design is similar to Log4J with some different. The
class naming is of course very different. 

I doubt the rush to the stanard when it's released. Once the spec is
released, it will take some time to mature and have a decent open source
implementation. Due to the similarity in design to Log4J, it may be
possible to write a pre-processor using tools like EPP to do automatic
conversion from Log4J codes to Java Logging standard. 

David Li